Saturday, February 18, 2012

Grapefruit Anyone?!

So Monday I started to really take this eating better/exercising thing more seriously.  So far, I'd say we're out to a good start.  I've heard that Grapefruit a great kick start to your day, so I thought I would give it a try.  It really is as awful as they say.  Taralynn from Undressed Skeleton has said to put fat free jello on your grapefruit to make it taste less than awful.  (By the way, if you've never heard of her you should go check out her bio.  She's inspiring and a great motivator!)
I tried lime jello and I would definitely agree it wasn't as bad...but it was still bad. I think I'll try a different flavor next time.  I made it through it though and I'm still alive, so I'll try to give it another shot soon.  Today for breakfast I decided on some lime Greek yogurt.  It's much more delicious :)

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